Saturday 17 November 2012

South Omo Valley tribes

Visiting the tribes of the Lower Omo valley is one of the trips I am most looking forward to. It is meant to be hard, and it will be expensive as there's a need to hire a 4WD and guide (will check and update this with specific numbers once I've asked around in Addis, but I would expect around £1500 per person for 8-10 days) but we are definitely doing it! Also, no set date for when we are visiting as of yet - but probably late-ish 2013, and outside of the rainy season (according to the guide, South Omo becomes impossible to traverse for 3 or 4 months of the year - October and mid-March to June are no good according to Lonely planet).

The best time to visit is June to September, so we are most probably travelling around that time.

There's more fantastic pictures where the picture above came from here. Or google Lower Omo Tribes!

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