Tuesday 18 December 2012

Addis Ababa - Entoto Hills


Two weeks now in Addis Ababa and it seems that it will be a great year.
Ethiopia is indeed a completely different place from what I have visited so far.....
You can see people walking around the city, talking to you, staring at you (obviously I am a foreigner), but they are all so friendly and make you feel that you want to explore more and more....
Different culture, way of living, and everything happens too slowly...as Ethiopians say "kes be kes inculal becuro iyihedal " (step by step the egg starts walking) and it is indeed very true!

In the first tour of the city we reached the Entoto Hills, Menelik's capital before Addis Ababa was founded in 1887. It is a great place to view the natural beauty of town. On the top there is the Entoto Maryam Church and the palace of emperor Menelik, both really interesting to visit.

But what really impressed me on the way to Entoto Hills is that you can see local women carrying woods in their backs and going all the way down the hill. They have also established gift shops, selling hand-wooven cotton shawls, hats, baskets etc 
It is worth having a walk over there, breathe fresh air and become familiar with the ethiopian culture!